Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hey Democrats, how about thinking about the white working class for once?

That's what Ruy Teixeira is arguing. In fact, for a long time he's been arguing this. The fact the Democrats keep ignoring what he correctly terms "the forgotten majority", the Democrats are losing their traditional support base and thus why they've been doing so poorly in recent elections. Will the Democratic leadership listen? Probably not.

As we all know, the Democratic Party still remains entrenched with its obsession with minorities and other fringe elements. They most certainly are "the coalition of the whining" as Stephen Colbert once hilariously described them during the '04 election.

Probably one of the most disgraceful incidents exposing this trend is when Howard Dean denounced the Republicans as nothing more than a "white Christian party".

I'll be the first to admit that the Republicans are hardly any better. They screw over the American people as much as the Democrats. However, they at least have the common sense to appear supportive of the needs and concerns of the "forgotten majority". Although even the Republicans in recent years have been going through their own obsession with minority voters, especially Hispanics (nevermind they still overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats). So yes, in the end, the "forgotten majority" is definately being screwed over by both major parties.

Perhaps if the Democrats wish to defeat the Republicans in the elections this year, they might wish to change all this. But we might as well spit into the wind.


Blogger Perun said...

Indeed...as I said, in the end both parties are adopting positions and policies that are harmful to the white working class. But you have to admit the Democrats are far more open about their contempt for this segment of American society.

But trust me, there'll be plenty of posts here that diss the Republicans. ;)

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republican or Democrat is irrelevant Perun!

Much more significant, the vote on the recent pro-immigration bill in the Senate. Protestant Senators voted solidly against it, Catholic Senators voted 19-4 in favor!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Perun said...

Ahhh where would this blog be without Lenny to comment here! ;)

8:37 PM  

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