Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The racism of Liberalism

Lawrence Auster offers us a really insightful look into the evolution of modern Liberalism and its connection to racism. Of course the real irony is that Liberals are the ones always obsessed with screaming about "racism" all the time. In a previous post I even helped exposed the whole absurdity of many of these accusations.

However the truth remains that it is Liberalism that has always been racist in orientation; it's just a matter of whom they've been racist against. As Auster explains:
While some late 19th and early 20th century leftists saw Third-World peoples and cultures as obstacles to liberal Western progress that had to be eliminated, leftists after 1960 began to see white Western civilization itself as the main obstacle to liberal progress that had to be eliminated.
So all that's really changed in the last forty years or so is the fact that Liberals have turned 180 degrees and uphold racist attitudes against peoples of European descent (aka "white" people).

So yeah, next time you hear a Liberal talk about "racism", you'll know for sure that he is full of it.

Be proud of your heritage and don't let anyone denigrate it. Your heritage is an important part of who you are!


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