Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why American "news" is pathetic!

"Journalists around the world are being targeted by suicide bombers, threatened with "hate crimes" prosecutions and thrown in jail for defending a free press from crazed Islamists.

You wouldn't know it from the circus-show antics of the American media...Yet, here we are, as embassies blaze and editors cower in fear and radical imams ululate against the West, watching our esteemed media go Looney Tunes over an isolated hunting accident.

Who do you think will have the last laugh?"
-- Michelle Malkin, "American clown journalism 101"

I usually don't care for Michelle Malkin, who in my opinion comes off as your all too typical Neo-Con loud-mouth. Nevertheless, she offers a very insightful commentary on the all too common idiocy of American "news". If Pakistan launched a nuclear attack against India, I'd sincerely doubt we'd hear about it if secret sex tapes involving Laura Bush (God help us if such tapes actually existed) were released to the public at the same time. Yet, as Malkin explains, this occurs in a nation that likes to pride itself on having a free press that gets to the bottom of any story. Well that's certainly true, it's just a matter of whether or not that story really matters!

In fact, I've noticed very little if any mention of the violence occurring around the world as a result of the Danish cartoons in American media outlets. Yet this is not new, it occurs with almost every major event around the world. This was especially true with the inept coverage of the riots in France done by American newspapers. Hence why I personally usually trust foreign media sources, like BBC, for my news.

At least BBC will spend at least a few minutes covering a certain story, as opposed to just 30 seconds or less as in American news. And ironically, I've usually much more insightful coverage and commentary from British news on even events occurring within the United States! This was especially true with Operation Iraqi Freedom and the '04 election.

So all in all, if you truly want to know what's really going on in the world, the last place to turn to for information is American news!


Blogger CS said...

For some goofy reason, I used to watch the 'Moscow Evening News' on CSPAN sometimes; I kind of wish they would replace some of our broadcasts...

1:52 AM  

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