Thursday, February 09, 2006

Your short guide to debunking the Da Vinci Code

Massimo Introvigne has provided a very short but effective piece that completely debunks many of the claims made by Dan Brown's novel. So for those of us who are too busy or possibly too lazy to read up on the several books on there that accomplish the same thing (but of course with more articulation), this link is for you.

I like how Introvigne answers this all too often claim:
The Da Vinci Code is just a novel: why criticize it as if it were a history book?

People who ask this question usually have not read the page of The Da Vinci Code titled Fact, where the author, Dan Brown, asserts that «all descriptions of [..]documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate» and are based specifically on the fact that «in 1975 Paris’ Bibliothèque Nationale discovered parchments, known as Les Dossiers Secrets» which reveal the story of the Priory of Sion.
Of course Introvigne goes further in debunking the nonsense concerning the Priory of Sion and so on. For those who want a more detailed account about the truth behind this "secret organization", you can read Introvinge's " Beyond The Da Vinci Code: History and Myth of the Priory of Sion".

BTW, my personal favorite book that debunks Brown's book is The Da Vinci Hoax by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel.


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