Monday, March 27, 2006

Are Immigrants really good for the economy?

Discussions concerning greater restrictions on immigration are heating up on Capitol Hill. I say it's about damn time! Although I'm skeptical that anything really significant will be passed into law, at least the widespread discontent many people feel towards illegal immigrants will be brought out into the open.

In order to try to defend this massive horde of immigration into our nations, supporters commonly insist they are a great benefit to the economy. "They do the jobs we don't want to do" or "We benefit from the skills and education they bring with them", and so on.

Is any of this really true? Not according to Alistair McConnachie, who debunks many of the common myths about economic migration. Although addressing the issue of immigration from a specifically British perspective, nevertheless the arguments easily to America or any other Western nation for that matter.

McConnachie refutes everything: from how we should allow immigrants in for reasons of morality and social justice(which is common for fraudulent religious leaders like Cardinal Mahony) to that if we don't allow immigrants in many companies will go out of business(I love the answer given to this one!).

And what about the popular "Immigrants do the work we won't do", I'll let the man speak for himself:

This is not necessarily true. Are we to believe that without any immigrants we would have no cafes, no waiters, no cleaners. Of course not. The only reason immigrants are doing these jobs is because they don't pay well enough for indigenous people to accept them.

Relying on immigrants to do this work is a form of slavery. Instituting a modern form of slavery is immoral. It is not a sign of a progressive society. It is certainly not something of which we should be proud. Instead, it is morally right to do our own drudgery work.
In fact, McConnachie exposes the hidden racism and immorality that hides behind most arguments made in favor of mass immigration. I've already commented on the strong links between liberalism and racism, and how the only thing that has changed in the last forty years or so is whom that racism is directed towards. Liberals used to degrade Blacks and Asians as uncivilized heathens, but now they direct the same hatred towards Christians of European descent.

So three cheers for Alistair McConnachie, whose website Sovereignty I have in my links!


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