Sunday, March 05, 2006

Europe is saying farewell to Multi-culturalism

MSNBC News has the story for you. I for one say "Good riddance to bad rubbish!"

Ironically, almost exactly one year ago I commented about multi-culturalism's increasing unpopularity in Europe and exposed many of its basic flaws in the logic behind the concept.

As I stated:
Arab culture can only flourish within Arab societies, European culture can only flourish in European societies, etc. This is certainly different from the multi-culturalist paradigm that several cultures can flourish together within the same society. Arab and European culture simply cannot flourish side by side within an European society and vice versa. The two cultures adhere to completely different value systems; and in large because Arab society is based on Islamic teachings while European society has largely been based on Christian teachings. The two cultures are simply not compatible, which is why they have often gone to war with each other (remember something called the Crusades?). A good book that further articulates this is Roger Scruton's The West and the Rest: Globalization and the Terrorist Threat.

In contrast to multi-culturalism, I advocated what Alain de Benoist has termed ethno-pluralism, and I explained the difference between the two concepts:
Like multi-culturalism, ethno-pluralism celebrates the full diversity of cultures and ethnicities around the world. But unlike multi-culturalism, ethno-pluralism recognizes that true diversity can only flourish in their appropriate social contexts.

So maybe there if hope for Europe yet!


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