Sunday, March 12, 2006

Immigration restrictions, not cartoons, are the cause of Islamic rage at Denmark

That's the story according to Paul Belien's article "Denmark’s Intifada", which he wrote for a recent edition of The American Conservative. As he states towards the beginning of his article:

"Those who believe that the whole issue has to do with 12 cartoons are naïve. Denmark is being punished for its alleged Islamophobia. Its crime is not the publication of 12 drawings in Jyllands-Posten, a paper in the rural province of Jutland. Its crime is the staunch refusal of the Danish Vikings to allow Muslim immigrants to impose their laws upon their host country."
Very interesting indeed. Of course, sadly, you're probably not going to hear this position mentioned in any mainstream media outlet. For that would force the establishment to question many of its deeply held positions concerning immigration and multi-culturalism.

Perhaps Belien is right when he concludes his article stating that perhaps all is not lost for Europe just yet, for Denmark has successfully held its ground against the Muslim world. Several months earlier, France also successfully(though hesitatingly) held its ground against Muslim rioters. Perhaps my hope for the return of Charles Martel has come true at last!


Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

I read somwhere that the vast majority of Europeans are descended from Charlemenge, thus even more must be related to Charles Martel his grandfather. The Hammer can still cary the day but its up to his descendents, more of them need to be Catholics, not secularists, pagans, athiests, etc.

Good post.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Perun said...

Indeed much of at least Western Europe was built by Charlamenge.

And I agree with you on the need for Europe to return to Catholicism.

As Hilaire Belloc bluntly stated in his book Europe and the Faith:
"Europe will return to the Faith, or she will perish."

If you havent read this book, you should!

3:10 PM  

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