Sunday, March 12, 2006

Men of Europe, prove them wrong!

"Many say that European Manhood is dead. Men of Europe, prove them wrong.

Many say that European Christianity is dead. Men of Europe, prove them wrong.

Many say that European men stand by and do nothing while their wives and daughters are violated. Men of Europe, prove them wrong.

Many say that European men stand by and do nothing while Holy Mother The Church is desecrated. Men of Europe, prove them wrong.

Do not resort to vigilanteism. A firm backbone and a resolute heart will show the stern stuff you are made of. Bullies and thugs are by nature, cowards. Once the evil-doers see your courage and fortitude, they will slink back to their desert holes. A faint heart and weak will shall only embolden them.

Take up the Sword And Shield of St Michael. Place upon you the Armor of Christ. The Mantle of The Holy Mother will protect you.

My European brothers, the Lion of Satan is threatening once again. Vienna, Tours, Lepanto... Men of Europe have proven their worth in the past. To the Polish sons of King Jan Sobieski, to the Gallic sons of Charles Martel, to the Spanish sons of Don Juan of Austria, arise and defend your wives, children and homes! Above all, defend Holy Mother The Church.


--Catholicam Speluncam Masculum, "Where Are The Sons Of Charlemagne?", The Lair of the Catholic Cavemen blog


Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

By most accounts I am getting European manhood is on the wane especailly in the west (possible exception of Ireland.) Things are probably somewhat better in eastern europe.

Being a real man calls for atleast being willing in theory to rise to the occasion and make sacrifice great and small.

In a hedonist world of empty pleasure, instant gratification, where people sterlize themselves and make themselves into commodities manhood fades away.

1:30 AM  
Blogger Perun said...

Yes, in Eastern Europe manhood is still alive, most likely because of a revival of more traditional attitudes there.

Being of Slavic descent, Im very proud of that! :)

3:04 PM  

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